Ceramic wall socket Suit'd Suits



We are often so used to everyday products that we do not even notice them anymore. We forget all about the miracles they actually represent because they are designed to be dull and imitate what is already there.

Together with entrepeneur/designer Erik Boogerd we designed Suited Suits, ceramic and wooden cover parts for wall sockets and light switches.

Hand made, painted, glazed in the Netherlands in the factory of Royal Goedewaagen, a production partner that totally understands our values.

These products are made to be loved and celebrate the wonder of electricity.




Nature inspires. Big time!

With reWrap we designed TreeBag, a briefcase made from tree based products only.

A walnut wooden handle, coconut fibers from Enkev, mixed with sundried, non-vulcanised rubber, a cotton-like lining from wood (cellulose) fibers and even the sewing thread was made from spun cellulose. All parts were assembled in a Dutch studio by people with a distance to the market. 

This entire product is 100% natural and compostable. In theory, because whoever has gotten his hands on one of the limited edition will surely never return it the earth...



Future proof

Thinking in modular building blocks, using borth recycled and recyclable materials, making repairable products are all important factors when designing products that last.

For Respo and with dear friend Robbert Gerretsen, we made a series of streetfurniture that is both modulair and custumizable.
With the right tools, the pieces can easily be lifted and placed elsewhere, adjusting the public space to the needs of today and tomorrow.  



The deadliest creature in the world is the mosquito.

With two graduate students of the Amsterdam  University of Applied Sciences and with great help from entomologist and malaria expert Bart GJ Knols we started the battle against mosquito bites.

The objective is to reduce mosquito bites without interfering too much with nature. Hence we do not use any pesticides.

Out of a rough 30 ideas we chose two concepts. 

The first is a klamboo with integrated, exchangeable mosquito trap and the second a digital mosquito detector with cell phone connection.

Both concepts were prototyped and tested and are now under further development.

Interested parties are welcome to contact us for cooperation.



In his role as Innovation Manager for Hildering Packaging Jop has been building the Go!Paint brand for over ten years now. He always strives to get a better understanding of professional painters and their every day challenges. In close cooperation with the craftsmen and women and the experts from the biggest paint brands in the world he is designing new archetypes of tools for painters and decorators. 

All products help the painter to do the job in a more sustainable way, do it better and do it in less time.

Want to see more, visit the Go!Paint website

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Hi, I'm Jop Timmers

Designer, Innovation Manager, Lecturer, Author, Design Thinker, Father of two and founder of Design for Good.

I like to spend my time on sensible projects and people that want to make a difference.

Design for Good helps entrepeneurs to make their products more relevant, more succesful and more beneficial to the environment. Together we shape the roadmap of design, innovation and communication towards a truly circular business.

One step at a time, we implement the plan and help you meet milestones.

How can I help you?